Olmypia sports

The first social sports club in DamiettaOlympia club is a private club with an independent legal personality aiming to create a unique developed model based on interest in building human and upgrading it in all fields and social, health, psychological, intellectual, cultural, scientific, physical and recreational fields through physical education and spreading the creative national spirit and the development of creativity.

Our vision

Olympia is a place that represents a sporting, cultural, social, educational and recreational attraction, and it is a place for all family members to fulfill the requirements and desires of each individual.

Our mision

Supporting physical values ​​and national spirit among members. Establishing sporting matches, various championships and social parties to document friendship and acquaintance between members. Establishing scientific symposia and concerts and showing targeted cinematography. Educating young people and expanding their scientific, cultural and creative knowledge through the educational center and educational activities. And various recreational work to upgrade the skills of the club's cultural, intellectual, physical and artistic, as well as developing a sense of belonging through camps, periodic meetings and foreign trips